Hormone Balance
Hormone Imbalance - symptoms, causes and solutions.
Hormone imbalance - a problem suffered by many women but recognised and understood by few. Our bodies and our hormones are complex systems, and sometimes things can get a bit out of sync but because hormones play a crucial role in how our whole body functions, influencing everything from mood to energy levels, and even skin health, when they are out of balance it can affect every organ and system in our body.
Irregular periods, acne or skin blemishes, unexplained weight gain or loss, anxiety and depression, fatigue, sleeping difficulties, lack of interest in sex - these are all common symptoms of hormone imbalance and yet very often women look for help for a symptom of hormone imbalance rather than getting to the actual root of the problem and solving their hormone issues. Of course you can take the contraceptive pill to help clear your skin, or go on a diet to loose weight but wouldn’t it be better to solve the problem rather than just one of the symptoms?
Understanding Hormone Imbalance:
So, what exactly is hormone imbalance? It's when there's an irregularity in the production, function, or signalling of hormones in the body. Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the blood. In women, this can manifest in various ways, leading to symptoms that range from bothersome to downright challenging. Hormones help regulate a range of bodily functions including metabolism (hence the weight gain or loss),menstrual (reproductive) cycles and sexual function (hence the irregular periods and loss of libido), blood sugar, growth, mood and stress levels and much more.
Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance:
Hormones play a crucial role in how our whole body functions, influencing everything from mood to energy levels, and even skin health, when they are out of balance it can affect every organ and system in our body.
Mood Swings: One moment you're on cloud nine, and the next, you're feeling low. Hormone imbalance can contribute to emotional rollercoasters, affecting mental well-being.
Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Changes in the duration and intensity of periods might signal hormonal fluctuations.
Fertility Difficulties/ PCOS: You may not be aware you have a hormonal imbalance until you decide to start a family and realise that getting pregnant is not as easy as you were led to believe. Planning a pregnancy is difficult if you don’t know if or when you ovulate. Hormone related issues such as PCOS can make getting pregnant a challenge.
Fatigue: Feeling drained and exhausted even after a good night's sleep? Hormones could be playing a role in your energy levels.
Skin Troubles: Hormonal imbalances often make their presence known through skin issues, such as acne or dryness.
Weight Fluctuations: Difficulty in managing weight? Hormones can influence metabolism and appetite, making it challenging to maintain a healthy weight.
Anxiety and Depression: Whether it comes in waves of mild anxiety or rolls over you like a panic attack, anxiety can be scary but it is less frightening if you understand that it may be caused by an imbalance in your hormones and can be helped by promoting healthy hormones.
Sleeping Difficulties: Lying in bed and can’t switch your brain off, even though you are exhausted? Before you reach for sleeping pills consider whether it might be a sign of hormone imbalance.
Perimenopausal and Menopausal Symptoms: The physical and emotional rollercoaster of the peri/menopause is directly clinked to the decline in hormones now that you are reaching the end of your fertile phase in life. You do not have to suffer! Lifestyle, nutritional and exercise changes can help enormously and if you still feel like you need help then try plant based hormonal help or visit your doctor for advice on beginning hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Lesser Known Symptoms (which you may never have related to your hormones):
You may never have imagined that some of these symptoms were related to hormone imbalance.
Root Causes of Hormone Imbalance:
Understanding the causes is crucial for finding effective solutions. Factors contributing to hormone imbalance include:
Stress: In our fast-paced lives, stress is a common culprit. It can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance, affecting the endocrine system.
Dietary Choices: Poor nutrition can impact hormone production. Processed foods and excessive sugar intake, for instance, can throw hormones off-kilter. Eating disorders, whether eating too much or too little, can also lead to hormone imbalance.
Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain chemicals in our environment can disrupt the endocrine system, affecting hormone levels.
Age and Life Stages: Hormonal fluctuations are a natural part of a woman's life, from puberty to perimenopause and menopause.
Medication: Hormone therapy or some medications can cause hormone imbalance.
Solutions - Treat the problem, not just the symptom!
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above and are concerned about your hormone health then it is important to take the first steps towards finding a solution. Firstly visit a qualified health professional to rule out any underlining medical issues that need appropriate treatment. Then decide whether your hormone balance could be restored using complimentary therapies and by making lifestyle and nutritional changes.
Important Lifestyle changes include:
Maintaining a healthy body weight
Reducing and managing stress
Eating a nutritious and balanced diet
Regular exercise
Healthy sleep habits
The Power of Plant-Based Solutions:
We believe in harnessing the power of nature to support women’s hormone health. Our plant-based Hormone Help supplements are based on the principal of Seed Cycling, using the naturally occurring plant-based hormones found in seeds to support your own natural hormonal cycle. Taken in sync with your menstrual cycle, Hormone Help is intended to help your hormones find balance and give relief to the symptoms caused by hormone imbalance. Because we know that the symptoms of hormone imbalance are often caused by changes in the hormones that regulate our menstrual cycle, it makes sense to support those hormones when they need it - at the correct phase of our natural hormonal cycle. With Hormone Help you can include this plant based hormonal support in your diet during the two main phases of your menstrual cycle (follicular and luteal) to help promote a healthy hormone balance. By incorporating specific seeds during specific times, our supplements aim to provide the nutritional support your body needs to maintain healthy hormones.
Why Seeds?
Seeds are packed with essential nutrients that support hormone production and balance. They contain Phytoestrogens or dietary oestrogens which are naturally occurring compounds found in plants, when eaten they may affect a person in the same way as oestrogen produced by the body. To a limited extent, phytoestrogens may serve as a type of natural Hormone Replacement Therapy, this is especially the case with phytoestrogen supplements.
Flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower and sesame seeds are the only ingredients in Hormone Help and each seed in our supplement is chosen for its unique nutritional profile.
This blog is intended for informational purposes only, it is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or advice. If you are concerned that the symptoms you are experiencing are severe please consult your doctor. Common symptoms of peri/menopause and hormone imbalance such as heart palpitations, anxiety, muscular-skeletal pain etc should be taken seriously and medical issues ruled out before looking for natural hormonal balance solutions.