Seed Cycling

Plant based Hormone Help

… because Mother Nature is a woman too.

What is Seed Cycling?

Using the naturally occurring plant hormones found in seeds to help your hormones find their own natural balance.

Seed Cycling is a Food as Medicine practice which involves consuming flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds at different stages of the menstrual cycle.

Seed Cycling uses the naturally occurring hormones found in seeds (phytoestrogens) to help regulate your hormones and relieve the symptoms of hormone imbalance

Seed Cycling is used to support women’s hormones by supplying them with the nutrients they need at specific phases of their cycle. It is a practice used to help promote the healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone levels and a great way to benefit from the healing powers of food.

Hormone Help

Seed Cycling Supplements

Hormone Help


Hormone Help

Natural Balance

Plant Based Solutions

Made in Austria

**Your cycle is irregular, longer/shorter than 28 days? No problem! See our FAQ's to see how seed cycling can work for you.

**Your cycle is irregular, longer/shorter than 28 days? No problem! See our FAQ's to see how seed cycling can work for you.

You can use Seed Cycling when your cycle is irregular and even during phases where you are not having periods.

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Now also available in the U.K. from 〰️

Who could benefit from Seed Cycling?

Young women battling hormonal acne

Women over 35 experiencing the first symptoms of Perimenopause

Women suffering symptoms of hormone imbalance

Women struggling with the symptoms of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)

Women struggling with fertility issues

Women in the early stages of menopause

Women experiencing mood swings

Women with unexplained weight gain

Why you should support your Estrogen for the first half of your cycle and your Progesterone for the second half

A woman’s natural cycle is divided into two phases.

The Follicular Phase - Day 1 -14

Begins with Day 1 of your cycle, the first day of your period. This phase is ESTROGEN dominant and estrogen levels rise until Ovulation ( the middle of your cycle, approximately Day 14/15).

The Luteal Phase - Day 15 - 28

Begins immediately after ovulation. This phase is PROGESTERONE dominant and levels of progesterone will rise until the end of this cycle (approximately Day 28).

Syncing your supplements with your cycle is a natural way to support your hormones, by supplying them with the nutrients they need - when they need them. That means supporting your estrogen levels for the first half of your cycle and your progesterone levels for the second half.

What makes Seeds so Special?

Seeds are packed full of goodness and naturally occurring plant hormones.

Phytoestrogens are natural plant compounds which have a similar chemical structure to estrogen, and are said to help balance a woman’s hormones.

Flax seeds are packed with lignans, which have phytoestrogen properties. These plant compounds can mimic estrogen in the body, helping to balance estrogen levels during the follicular phase. Flaxseeds are also a great source of fibre and omega-3 fatty acids, which support overall health.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, a mineral essential for hormone production. Zinc helps prepare the body for the luteal phase by supporting progesterone production. These seeds are also high in magnesium, which can help reduce PMS symptoms.

Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E and selenium, both of which are important for hormone production and detoxification. These seeds help the liver process and eliminate excess hormones, promoting a balanced hormonal cycle.

Sesame seeds contain lignans and essential fatty acids that help regulate estrogen and progesterone levels. They are also a good source of calcium, which is important for bone health.

Seed Cycling Supplements make life easier!

Including the correct seeds into your diet every day can be time consuming, and to be honest, sometimes a bit boring.

For the days that you can’t be bothered, or simply don’t have time.

Seed Cycling Supplements.

Powered by Mother Nature

What makes Hormone Help so Special?

Plant Based Hormone Help taken in Sync with your own Natural Hormonal Cycle

Hormone Help was developed to support estrogen production in the Follicular Phase and Progesterone in the Luteal Phase.

Hormone Help aims to provide the nutrients needed to support the right hormone at the right phase of your own natural hormonal cycle.

Hormone Balance supplements can only be effective when they support both of the main hormones.

Hormone Balance can only be achieved when both natural cycle phases are considered.

It makes Sense to Sync your Supplements with your Cycle!

Many women treat the symptoms of hormone imbalance rather than solving the problem.

Help your Hormones find their Natural Balance